Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cute story :o)

Last night I was putting Grant to bed and Kaylyn came into the room. I gave Grant a kiss and hug and then picked up Kaylyn and turned to leave the room. Grant said, "Mommy!" I turned around and he was wanting to give Kaylyn a hug and kiss 'nite nite'. So I held her close to him and they gave each other a hug and Grant kissed her cheek. When I stood up I hear Kaylyn, mmma (that is what she does when she gives kisses :o)). Then Grant blew us a kiss and told us 'lu new' (love you) as I turned out the light.
It was one of those I wish I could freeze time moments. It really was so sweet. Just melted my heart! I hope they will always remember that special bond...you know in 10-12 years when all they do is fight...yeah right. I'll be the one remembering that moment and wondering what happened to my sweet little ones, and who replaced them with these teenagers!
Anyway, that is my sweet story of the day :o).


Anonymous said...

That's so sweet. It's moments like those that make me wish so desperately for a sibling to have that kind of bond with. I'm just glad my kids have each other. Hopefully they'll continue to like each other too!