Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Our students are participating in the One.org Campus Challenge. Please check it out! One's mission to see an end to extreme poverty and Aids globally. You can join our team and campus challenge just by going to http://www.one.org/campus, look at the top right hand corner, type Campbellsville University and submit. That will take you to our campus page where you can enter your email address and be added you our number. The more people we have signed up the more points we get in the challenge. Did I mention we are the #5 school in the challenge right now, out of almost 3000. The challenge is to help raise awareness about extreme poverty, what can be done to help bring it to an end. Who would have thought Campbellsville University would be in the forefront, ahead of much bigger colleges, yet here we are trying to impact our wold and make a difference. We are having a candlelight walk tonight, to help bring awareness to poverty stricken countries. There is a Costume Ball/Silent Auction planned for Oct. 27, at 8pm. Community tickets are $10 and student tickets are $5 plus a can of food. This Costume ball held at Campbellsville University is meant to bring awareness to world hunger and to raise funds to send to the World Food Program (www.wfp.org) and to raise awareness for the ONE organization (http://www.one.org/). All can goods collect will be given to our local food pantry, we are hoping to collect a total of 1 ton of food through the ball and collections on campus. Please help us any way possible, spread the word, attend the ball, buy a Campbellsville ONE t-shirt, sign up on our ONE page.


Anonymous said...

I signed up!