Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How many cupcakes does it take to cause a sugar rush?

Evidently 3! That is how many Grant apparently had this afternoon. Well, let me rephrase that...that is how many he ate the icing off of this afternoon. So, tonight he is wound tighter than a banjo. And Kaylyn has started to cruise the furniture, wow! It is busy with activity tonight! I can't believe she is doing that already. She is only 8 months old. I think I am in denial about the fact that she will most likely be walking before her birthday, at this pace she could be walking by Christmas! Just a scary thought for me since we live in an apartment with a living room the size of a sardine can. Not to mention the stairs to bedrooms. I guess we will be investing in a 2nd baby gate for those stairs in the near future.


Anonymous said...

i just recently took our gate down. I guesI'll be putting it up again before I know it! They grow so fast, don't they?!