Saturday, October 20, 2007

Just another lazy Saturday...

Is that not how Saturdays are supposed to be...laid back, leisurely paced, do what you want to do kind of days? Kenny took Grant to get his hair cut (much needed), we went to my parents house to watch the UK game (I could not have cared less), and I did a load of laundry (Grant is wearing his last pair of clean pants today).

I spent a lot of the afternoon looking at pictures on the computer, editing, cropping, grouping, uploading for printing. Goodness it does take a long time but I really do enjoy it.

I have been thinking about the milestones Kaylyn has already reached in her short life and I decided I would compare the timing of said milestones with Grant's just to see the similarities and differences. I'll post them when I get it completed.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see them! Are you going to print them and scrapbook with us?! :)