Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been busy...though you could not tell it by looking around our house. Boxes are starting to pile up and there is still so much to be done.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!!!
Posted by Amy at 1:28 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It was a Happy Halloween :o)
Well, time has gotten away from me...
The kids had a good time trick-or-treating. We got way too much candy, doesn't everyone. Grant was a Stormtrooper and Kaylyn was a butterfly. Keenan was Sully from Monster's INC. Micah was Mike from Monster's INC but I didn't get a picture of him because he was asleep by the time they got to my parents house.We went to the pumpkin patch the Saturday before Halloween for a birthday party but I forgot to take my camera. But when we got there Chad has their camera so I took some pictures with their camera. So as you can imagine, Bethany still has them on the camera so I don't have them yet. But I can still tell you about it. It was rather chilly but a nice day. The kids had a good time playing in the silo, feeding the calves, and playing on the hay bales. We had lunch there and birthday cake and Zain opened his presents. Then we went on a hay ride to the pumpkin patch so all the kids could pick a pumpkin. The kids were looking at every pumpkin, picking one up then putting it down for another one. We thought we finally had the kids settled on one and everyone was loading back up on the wagon when I turn around and Grant had put his pumpkin down and is headed back across the patch...he wanted a 'green' one just like Kaden. Do you know how hard it is to find a green pumpkin in a patch full of orange ones? So, I finally find one...probably the smallest one but it is green and Grant was happy.
Here is a picture of our pumpkin family.
The pumpkins came from 3 different trips to the pumpkin patch (a field trip for Grant, a day trip for Kaylyn and the birthday party) and CU Homecoming pumpkin painting booth. Grant wanted to paint a pumpkin and ended up painting 2...he wanted to paint a dinosaur but ended up asking me to 'help'. We didn't carve the pumpkins this year. I've actually never have. But I found these pumpkin tattoos and I thought they turned out pretty cute.
Here is all the pumpkins Grant accumulated this fall.Please don't be a critic of the dino art work...we did the best we could :o).
Posted by Amy at 4:01 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
One year...
That is how long it has been since I started this blog. It has been lots of fun. I just wish I could make a little more time to post. It seems everyone's life has gotten more busy over this past year. I took a look back at the first posts and was reminded how much Kaylyn has changed over this past year. She is walking and talking and got a whole lot more hair :o). Grant just keeps getting taller and taller and skinnier and skinnier. The changes he has made are not as visual as Kaylyn's but they may be even more profound and exciting. Talking more and more in sentences, counting to 10, writing his name, starting to 'read' words. And most people may not think these are great accomplishments for the average 5 year old but for Grant it is all signs that he is making great strides especially since he could not do any of that this time last year. It is amazing for me to see how fast Kaylyn is picking up new words and phrases and will try to repeat most anything. I love LOVE listening to her sing Jesus Loves Me and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. And Grant has really gotten into birthdays this year, for the first time really. It blesses my heart. I love LOVE hearing him try to sing Happy Birthday and try to say it too.
Here is a video I took on the way home one night. It is dark so you can't see anything but you should be able to hear Kaylyn singing Jesus Loves Me. She is even better at it now :o). It is just one of my favorite things :o) Grant can see that I have the camera so he is wanting me to take his picture, you can hear him tell me it is his turn and 'cheese' several times. There are 2 videos of Kaylyn singing. She can sing almost all of the words now :o)
Here are the pictures of Grant I took that night too. He wanted me to so I did, while driving. I just held the camera up kind of on my shoulder and pushed the button...they turned out pretty well for not being able to see anything.
Posted by Amy at 12:39 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Long over due...
I have been meaning to post these pics for quite a while now. The video is least to me :o).
It was the first time Kaylyn had touched a 'woolly worm'. I don't remember ever seeing an all white one before, usually they are brown or black with stripes...Kaylyn was better at letting the worm crawl on her arm than Grant was. He would shake it off and run away laughing. He said it was tickling him.
Kaylyn would just say 'ooooooooo' and squeal.
Grant was better at letting it crawl on his shirt.
Kaylyn said it got her belly :o)
Here is a video of their reactions :o).
Posted by Amy at 12:39 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Update time
Well, Grant went back to the audiologist a few weeks ago and is doing so well with his implant. And no changes needed to be made in the programming of his processor. She was testing him in the sound booth to see at what decibel/level he would respond to sound. He was responding at a normal level for all frequencies tested, 15-25 decibels. That is awesome! What a difference a year makes.
School is going so much better now. We transferred him to C-ville Elementary and we could tell the biggest difference after one day. It was like night a day the difference and it really confirmed to us that Grant was now in the right place. His teacher really understands what I have been going through and is very willing to do what is needed to help Grant learn and do well. It has been such a blessing. Praise God for Mrs. Cox!
Kaylyn just finished 2 rounds of antibiotics for a sinus infection and the second round caused her to get a bad diaper rash and now yeast now we are treating that but her ears are looking great! Her hearing was tested last week and it is perfectly normal. So, now we can wait a year to have it tested again...unless we notice something in the mean time. Thank you Lord for your provisions and answered prayers!
Grant went back to the ENT for a recheck and he no longer had fluid in his ears, another answer to prayer since his tubes were out already. The allergy shots seem to be working. But the ENT seemed to think it would be a good idea for Grant to get another set of tubes just in case he were to get fluid built up again over the winter... I am torn because I know that God answered our prayers and now the fluid is gone but the dr. still thinks tubes are the best thing... I went ahead and scheduled the surgery for this Friday, Sept. 26th. But I have been thinking and praying about it and I really think we should just wait and see if the need arises before putting him through another surgery, even as minor as it may be. But I would really kick myself if he gets another ear infection this winter because we decided to wait. I haven't canceled the surgery yet but Kenny and I will be talking and making the final decision so I can call this afternoon.
We decided to go ahead with the tubes because I know I would kick myself if he did get and ear infection and end up needing them one more surgery...he has had more than any child should but he doesn't know he is any different from all the rest.
So Grant and I are in Louisville tonight and the surgery in scheduled for 7:30 am in the morning...we have to be there at 6:30 am. Kenny and Kaylyn stayed at home because it is just too much to have a sleepy clingy 19 month old and a very upset 5 year old with super human strength (you should try to hold him down for his allergy shots some time! I'm not lying, the nurses all say he is the strongest 5 year old they have ever seen.) to try to keep entertained and contained, especially for a 10 min procedure.
Well, that all for now...there isn't anymore.
Posted by Amy at 10:32 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Finally...long over due, Happy Birthday, Grant!
Here are some pics from Grant's birthday party. He had such a great time, even if it was a little chilly at the beginning.Grant picked out his own cake this year. He wanted dinosaurs and was so excited about it.
Here he is playing with the of his favorite things!
Here is another favorite thing...a Pokemon movie.
MawMaw got Grant this shirt, dad really liked it :o).
After we ate and Grant opened presents, the sun decided to break through the clouds and warm things up. So, the kids were able to put on their swim suits and play in the water.
I gave all the kids a water gun as a party favor. I think they all had a good time playing in the water and chasing each other.
Here is a pic of Grant chasing Zoe....before he tackled her to the ground! We could not keep Kaylyn out of the water she almost fell in head first :o) and kept going back for more.
All in all, it was a fun day...but next year we are going to have his party at the Sport Spot...they take care of getting the cake, ordering the pizza, getting the drinks and supply all the paper products and each child gets a free round of mini golf. And the best part...they do the clean up too!
Posted by Amy at 4:55 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Happy 30th to Me, to Me...
So, we were in the cafeteria for lunch on my birthday and we were almost done. Kenny was off talking to someone and had just come back to the table. Then all of a sudden he leaves again...
Then, I hear them...4 guys singing happy birthday to me!
Afterwards, Corey (one of the golfers) brings me this ice cream cone and says Happy Birthday.So, I just so happen to carry the camera in the diaper bag most of the time so I had to snap a shot. I took this pic and I took pics of my kids on my birthday but I don't have any of me...oh well. I guess I will just have to wait until 40 to get the birthday shots to scrap with...
Posted by Amy at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Just because...
Okay, so I haven't uploaded the pictures from Grant's party yet, but I will soon. So, I can share some other pics...just because I have not been posting doesn't mean I have not been taking pics.
Here are some pics from when we were at a friends house in Louisville...okay so the pics are from July...but you have not seen them. It was the first time Kaylyn had been in a swimming pool. Grant, of course, loved it and was ready to jump right in. It took Kaylyn a little bit to warm up to it but then she loved it too.Kaylyn kept pulling out her ear plugs...maybe they didn't fit just right...
Here she is all kicked back after we got out.
The next weekend we went to a friends house here in C-ville Grant and Kaylyn were both ready to jump right in but Keenan was not so willing.
The water was a little chilly that day but we had a good time :o).
Keenan preferred to play on the deck while we were in the water.
Grant had a great time jumping off the ladder. He made sure he wasn't going under though, as you can tell. He had a life vest and water ring around his waist.
Here is Kaylyn and my dad making faces at each was funny to me so I thought I would share...
Kaylyn must have been tuckered out from a long day of playing, she fell asleep after dinner, I had not even had a chance to clean her up yet.
Kaylyn is playing peek-a-boo with our friend, TJ.
Here is Grant sitting on TJ's bike, he can barely reach the handle bars but he liked sitting up on it.
Posing for the camera...see what living on a college campus has done for him...the girls try to teach the kids to say things like holla, peace and do things like throw the deuces. here is Grant's first spontaneous attempt to throw the deuces.
And here is his second attempt...not bad...Amanda Ford and Brittany Hall would be so proud :o). Thanks girls....
Every time the camera is pointed at Kaylyn she is all cheese...or ham...or maybe ham and cheese...:o)
One night during Welcome Week at school they had a Snack Attack was a huge success. Several different vendors/restaurants were there with samples of their food and you got to go to as many booths as you wanted. The gym was full of booths. Even Summer Snow was we all got some. Well, Grant got to choose his own flavor...I'm sure you can tell by the picture what color he chose
I chose for Kaylyn, she had a light pink one, Bubblegum flavored.
He kept wanting me to take a picture of him so he could see his mouth and how vlue (blue) it was...
And I just really liked this picture of Kaylyn, I think it may have something to do with the straight lines of the bike frame...
When Walmart started marking down all of their patio furniture my eye spied this swing. I had been wanting one since last summer so I was able to talk Kenny into getting. And we love it! It has a canopy and a round table attached to each side. It barely fits on our porch but it was worth it. Some days after lunch Kaylyn and I will sit and swing until she falls asleep.
I'll end this post with a few pictures from our trip to Louisville a few weeks ago. Grant was playing with Cody and a few of the kids from the neighborhood. It is the first time I have seen Grant play a game with other kids. To me it was a real milestone, so, of course, I had to take some pics.
They were playing Go Fish. Do you have any of these?
It seems they were all getting along.
And here is what was going on inside while the big boys were outside... Kenny's mom, Robyn, was sticking a Nerf dart to Steven's forehead and both Steven and Kaylyn would laugh. Steven would turn around to look at himself and it would fall off so the whole thing would start again.
In case you were wondering, Steven is 2 1/2 months older that Kaylyn.
Well, this I'm sure is one of the longest posts I have made...but somehow most of my post are long, probably too long. But I know Memaw enjoys seeing the pics of the kiddos, and heck, I just like to show off the cutie pies...I mean why else would I take so many pictures. Heaven knows I could never scrap that many even if I live to be 100. So, I have to find other ways to share, so I guess you'll just have to deal with long, takes me all day to put together, posts :o).
Anyway, there will be more to come soon!
Posted by Amy at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
do you follow my blog???
If so let me know. You can click on the link on the right side to add your pic to the followers list.
I will update soon!
Posted by Amy at 5:06 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thanks and Praises!
First let me say thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts and advice and encouragement over the past few weeks. It means so much to have a support group and wonderful friends who do not hesitate to share our burdens. We are truly blessed to have you as friends :o).
Posted by Amy at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Need some prayer...
Kindergarten has not started out to be the great thing we had hoped for. Grant is have a real hard time adjusting and things that I was told about it is not the way it is. He got the one teacher I did not want him to have. She has not made a real attempt to connect with me and work to make sure Grant knows what is going on around him. I have been so frustrated and so has Grant. He has been getting in trouble, yelling in class, wrestling in the bathroom, pinching, kicking, biting, hitting and he has never done these things before at least at school, when he was at Head Start. Yes, I will admit Grant is a very active little boy who is very independent in a lot of things but his in not usually a problem child. He had only two yellow light days all last semester and never got a red light. So far in the past 2 1/2 weeks he has had a conduct cut, 2 red lights and 2 yellow lights. Something is going on, I think Grant is having a lot of frustration at school and not getting the help that he needs to be able to understand and do well and cooperate with the teacher. I don't have time to spill all the details but I ask that if you are reading this that you would please pray for us as a family and Grant while he is at school. We are in the process of changing schools and hopefully the change will happen next week. The move offers smaller class size and a larger classroom and the assistant goes with the class to activities (gym, music, art). Friday will be Grant's last day until he is able to start at his new school.
Well, I'll post again when I have de-stressed a little and have some pictures to share :o)....they are still on the camera of course...
Posted by Amy at 3:21 AM 5 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Posting just to post...
Okay, so it has been a busy busy time around here. Summer time is crunch time for this RD. July and August are just a blur. But it is always nice when they are over and things calm down. Right now I just feel like there are so many things to do and never enough time to get it all done. RA training starts in one week and I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed but I know it will all go smoothly.
Anyway...that is what is going on with my life. But now let's see what pictures I can find to share...
Kaylyn is wearing Grant's ball helmet.My little soldier
Nothing is cuter than an ice cream mustache.
There's a little tigger in everyone...
And he sticks the landing!!!
I love that face...I could just stare at it all day. Bright eyes and big smile.
And this face is just so precious! This is Kaylyn's cheesy face she gives every time I ask her to smile.Shhh...I think I see a wascally wabbit... I doing it right???
So, I took this pic at my parents house and then I played around on iphoto just see what all the features would do...this is just one of the finished products...A summer sunset.
Well, that's all I've got for now....Hope you all enjoyed the randomness of it all. I just needed to take a break from the hecticness of the chaos that is my life. Rest assured it will get better, this too shall pass!
Posted by Amy at 1:29 AM 1 comments