Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update time

Well, Grant went back to the audiologist a few weeks ago and is doing so well with his implant. And no changes needed to be made in the programming of his processor. She was testing him in the sound booth to see at what decibel/level he would respond to sound. He was responding at a normal level for all frequencies tested, 15-25 decibels. That is awesome! What a difference a year makes.
School is going so much better now. We transferred him to C-ville Elementary and we could tell the biggest difference after one day. It was like night a day the difference and it really confirmed to us that Grant was now in the right place. His teacher really understands what I have been going through and is very willing to do what is needed to help Grant learn and do well. It has been such a blessing. Praise God for Mrs. Cox!
Kaylyn just finished 2 rounds of antibiotics for a sinus infection and the second round caused her to get a bad diaper rash and now yeast now we are treating that but her ears are looking great! Her hearing was tested last week and it is perfectly normal. So, now we can wait a year to have it tested again...unless we notice something in the mean time. Thank you Lord for your provisions and answered prayers!
Grant went back to the ENT for a recheck and he no longer had fluid in his ears, another answer to prayer since his tubes were out already. The allergy shots seem to be working. But the ENT seemed to think it would be a good idea for Grant to get another set of tubes just in case he were to get fluid built up again over the winter... I am torn because I know that God answered our prayers and now the fluid is gone but the dr. still thinks tubes are the best thing... I went ahead and scheduled the surgery for this Friday, Sept. 26th. But I have been thinking and praying about it and I really think we should just wait and see if the need arises before putting him through another surgery, even as minor as it may be. But I would really kick myself if he gets another ear infection this winter because we decided to wait. I haven't canceled the surgery yet but Kenny and I will be talking and making the final decision so I can call this afternoon.
We decided to go ahead with the tubes because I know I would kick myself if he did get and ear infection and end up needing them one more surgery...he has had more than any child should but he doesn't know he is any different from all the rest.
So Grant and I are in Louisville tonight and the surgery in scheduled for 7:30 am in the morning...we have to be there at 6:30 am. Kenny and Kaylyn stayed at home because it is just too much to have a sleepy clingy 19 month old and a very upset 5 year old with super human strength (you should try to hold him down for his allergy shots some time! I'm not lying, the nurses all say he is the strongest 5 year old they have ever seen.) to try to keep entertained and contained, especially for a 10 min procedure.
Well, that all for now...there isn't anymore.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you've been busy. Is he still doing good? Which set of tubes are you on now?