Friday, July 11, 2008

The funny things they do

Grant went to the allergy dr. on Wednesday. They did the dreaded allergy testing...dreaded by me not Grant since he really didn't know what was coming. While that was not fun, funny or even remotely enjoyable Grant did get a bag full of goodies afterward. And the kiddos had a ball play with it all. In that bag was one of those sticky wall walker things...okay, so maybe you don't know what I am talking about but you will see it in the video. Kaylyn thought is was hilariously funny. Here is a couple of videos I took of her watching it roll down the wall. I want to apologize for Kenny in the back ground...he was playing Halo and had no idea I was videoing...he doesn't say anything terrible, but he does call someone a sissy. And I didn't want you to think he was talking to us or himself :o).

And here is a couple of videos of Grant playing his bat guitar. Kenny was playing Guitar Hero and Grant and Kaylyn were dancing around to the music.


The Judds said...

Great pictures. I can't tell if Kaylyn is laughing or crying as the ball goes down the wall. Scott and Kenny will have to get together to do a Guitar Hero battle......

Anonymous said...

Is she laughing? Or crying? Or half and half? It's hilarious, either way! ;)

Grant's getting so tall! And thinning out a bunch!

Did you get the results from the tests?

The Ragsdale's said...

Oh my goodness! It's been forever! How are you guys? I keep in touch with you some through Tracy H. but haven't talked to her in a while either. I can't believe Grant is starting Kindergarten. The girls will be starting 2nd grade this year. Crazy how time flies!

Your kids are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are precious and so big. Brotey will start kindergarten as well this year. Glad I found this so we can keep up with you.