Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yet another ear infection...UPDATED

Well, no such luck on having the fluid in Kaylyn's ears dry up on its own. She started coughing and had a runny nose on Saturday. So I took her to the dr and big surprise, she's got an ear infection. Only one ear this time but she is also coughing and has some wheezing so she has an antibiotic and breathing treatments. I am calling the ENT to see if we can go ahead and start planning the surgery for tubes.
So, still not sleeping well in the Lawson household...I really hope we (I) will be soon :o).

*****Well, everyone slept all night last night, FINALLY! Thank you, Lord :o).


Jennifer said...

So sorry she has another ear infection... Allison is getting ear tubes in a few weeks too...
Hopefully everyone will be sleeping better soon!

Anonymous said...

AH man, I'm sorry. :(

Glzad you got sleep though! I was up about 7 times last night.

Teaque said...

I hope things go well and she gets better soon. I've heard that kids do really well with tubes - hope it helps.